Sister Complex

What is Sister Complex?


Excessive love for one's sister(s), often past the point of ordinary brother-sister/sister-sister relation. Often used as a tease/insult for a person who's overly protective of his/her sister, and is shortened as sis con or sis-con.

Derived from Japanese word "shisukon" (sis con), and is often used in manga and light novels.

M: Ota has a sister complex.

O: like hell I have!

M: Please, you've got your sister's picture posted all over your room, your facebook profile picture (and several hundred picture) are you and your sister, and you get pissed whenever we talk about your sister.

See siscon, sister complex, ota


The belief that an older brother is the only one who can rip or make fun of his younger sister.

Guy 1 "Yo, dude, you know I'm the only one allowed to take the piss out of my sister!"

Guy 2 "You and your sister complex.."

See sister, complex, sister complex, piss take


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