What is Sith Lord?
Over twenty thousand years before the birth of --Anikan Skywalker--,
The primative Sith did not have a great understanding of the force and only used their natural abilities for basic tricks.
The dark jedi had been exhiled from the know universe after the Great Schism (100 year war among the
Over thousands of years the Sith Lords built a great civilization on Korriban and the surrounding star systems, Sith Empire.
The Jedi of the Republic and Sith Order had eventually forgoten about each other until a chance encounter. Centuries of warfare erupted between the two orders with the Jedi normally getting the best of the Sith.
Sith Lords are their own worst enemy. There order was often racked by infighting and other forms of desention. The head of order stayed in power until challenged (killed). To curb this this, new Sith Empires follow the strict code. "Always two there are....no more...no less. A master and an apprentice."
Dark Lord of the Sith, Marka Ragnos,ruled 5,500 years before the events of Star Wars.
The highist ranking dark
I am a Sith Lord your nothing.
A term used to describe the clitoris.
Toby smashed her in the Sith Lord.
That chick has a huge Sith Lord.