
What is Sjs?


An abbreviation for "Sudden Jihad Syndrome."

SJS is the tendency among supposedly Westernized Muslims living in the United States to unexpectedly lash out violently in an act of self-initiated (and usually small scale) Islamic terrorism.

Examples include Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar who drove his SUV into a crowd at the University of North Carolina in 2006, Naveed Alzal Haq who shot people at a Jewish Federation Center in Seattle also in 2006, Hesham Mohammed Hadayet who murdered people at the El Al terminal in the Los Angeles Airport in 2002 — among many others.

In all of these instances, the perpetrators had no known direct connection to any established group, and because of this the authorities inevitably refrain from describing their actions as “terrorism” — hence the sarcastic term “Sudden Jihad Syndrome.”

CAIR SPOKESWHORE: "Jihad means one's own INNER struggle. You are purposely misrepresenting the teachings of Islam!"

ANYONE WITH EYES TO SEE: "Well, when someone breaks out with a case of SJS, it looks more like an OUTER conflict against random third parties." ROPMA

See ropma, koranimal, splodeydope, splodydopes, paleostinian, car swarm, palesimian, stupidfada, islamofascist, islamonazi, oil ticks, mad mullahs, misogynist


Part of the hip, nerdy croud around Delaware. Most notorious for fast good looking cars with loud sound systems. Generally causing trouble around the state.

Yo, those SJs are winning all the local shows with their flashy subarus and hyundais...They have no idea that we love them so much.

See sjs, sj, cars, nerd, stereo


"Shiny Jet Syndrome", coined by an anonymous, but obsevant pilot.

An affliction wherein a (usually) young pilot is willing to go into massive debt to get training to get a flying job at starvation wages (often requiring living at parents home). Most sufferers get help at regional/commuter airlines, whose greedy bosses buy large numbers of small, cramped jets to accomodate them.

The military and major airlines don't usually have many SJS sfflictees as the entrance requirements are more stringent or applicants too jaded.

Gomer MUST have SJS! They're only going to pay him $17000 the first year and he didn't even tell the to f**k off!

See pilot, ipod, fi, slave


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