
What is Skanger?


The Skanger: these creatures numbers are growing at quite an alarming rate due to their frenetic breeding, they are most likely recognised by shabby reebok and or addidas gear or if their really moving up in the criminal world,nike. They can also be recognised by their unusual birdlike walk which usually involves them moving their head back and forth much akin to a pigeon on speed.

Can be heard to say if in their immediate "pack" or "herd" of freinds "waaaaats tha storeeeeeeeee" or if a passer by- "Give us your mobile or I'll fuckin knife ya ya fuckin mupa!"

mating call:"Here Get out yar dick will yas!!!"

"Oh Darling look at that awful character he is defecating on that BMW ! "

See Robert


People living in towns who were previously called "rough". Although located in urban areas throughout Ireland, most came from Dublin or were converted into a skanger by their Dublin friends or family. If involved in a conversation with non-skangers, it was most likely started by them, with something along the lines of "Here lad, ya got a lii? I beh I caaan seh yar hair on fyerrr", which translated into English means "Person in front of me I'm not acquainted with, have you got a cigarette lighter? I reckon I could set your hair on fire." Conversations amongst themselves usually begin with "waaaats de staaaaaree" (i.e. what's the story, i.e. how are things) before engaging in saying "staaaary" one after the other for awhile. Popular meeting points include doorways or other entrances/exits to passageways where only one entrance/exit exists.

While regarded by most as a serious social problem, it's unlikely the dreams of sending them all on a plane which may or may not land somewhere else will ever be reached given the lack of attention the issue is given because it's not "politically correct". Then again, neither is their behaviour but that doesn't stop them...

Please forgive spelling mistakes above - I'm not fluent in their language and I'm proud of it!



dublin type, reebok/nike fantics, dance music to pick fights with "rockers" typical phrases 'storeeeee bud' 'yer ma' 'I'll knife ya, you and yer fuckin sad-ass mates' generally not the sharpest knives in the block, the girls usually have blonde hair, and large gold hooped earrings, and after the age of 15, a child or a buggy

Tara Dunne type person, yeah her...GRRR and anyone who is incapable of doing things outside of "the group", think they are the 'in crowd'

See Jill


Track-suited baseball-cap wearing intellectually challenged knacker(usually from Dublin) who thinks he's a hard man. Usually hang around in groups of 4 or more on street corners at 2am.

tom-thebox from

See Weirdo


An Irish slang word to describe a specific group of people. Scarily, the connotations associated with describing someone as a skanger are almost identical to those associated with describing someone as a charvain Britain, despite the fact that these words refer to completely different groups of people in different countries.

In Ireland, they're called skangers, in Britain, charvas.

See Underscore


all of the above... quite possibly the most obnoxious breed of person on the face of it? background considered. i believe there's kids in the congo high on charlie toting AK47s with better etiquette than these ~ the white-trash dublin skanger. an unsuspecting subject of mirth in public, they are often seen shamelessly out and about be it beating up bus-stops to riding a bike in 5th gear with knees jutting out scoping out properties and cars thinking looking like theyre plotting a crime makes them appear to be occupied or in some way employed. i'm not; thus writing this. there's nothing there; theyre vacant. - questions about the ratio of skanger to normal person ratio.. indeed such is the high no. for nigh on 2 decades that unsuspecting people seem to have taken them to be the "norm" ..generally this unfortunate breed of said Lifestyle/TK Max/JJB/Champion sports to the advanced "casual" boy-bandish attyre should be written off at an early age; considered criminally minded and in all too many cases sectioned under the mental health act... if even one infects the neighbourhood the endemic scourge can be devastating within an age-group dominated by peer-pressure with an horrific incapacitating disease capable of rendering a neighborhood into a petrified repressed wasteland and a hindrance to your child's development and freedom to express themselves - so yeah some sort of fascist and personality restrictor; basically you'd feel you had more liberty around a troupe of gardai. now i know what cops are for; keepn the heat off me so thanks due - essentially in their beginnings a disadvantaged working to mid-class teen who never really develops due to extremely narrow gang locality mentality where another estate in the same postcode can be considered a foreign land.. despite their age has neither the bottle nor the nous to latch onto latest trends in youth culture thus rendering them a circa-1992 eastern european euro-raver with a penchant for a birro bob marley and UB40 in tribute to their parents (and grandparents?) with whom they tend to be surprisingly *close* ;- to with maybe some er Oasis considered if they're strong enough characters within their group to admit so... u.s. r'n'b/rap apparently dominating the charts since the early '90s so they seem to be latching onto that now. .. then there's the other side of the coin, the snob rawk/indie kids over in twee land with americanized names n accents =/ - Definition of Skanger: non-entity. i know i know... just pretend theyre not there. however.. their head between your foot and the ground? =) just be sure of a clean fight

skanky skanger: "gwaaan oi'll stab ya wi a screwdroiver"

See herbert, chav, townie, spide, knacker


Irish adolescent sub-species.

Males usually sport a bumfluff moustache, an emperor Nero hairstyle and are always called either Anto or Deco making communication difficult in a crowd of male skangers. Their natural habitat is any corner at the side of any road in any town although they can also be found hanging around outside off licences in great numbers.

Females generally have strawberry blonde curly shoulder-length hair dripping of grease; a complexion akin to that of the surface of the moon and are mostly called Lizbehhh (Elizabeth). Accessories include compulsory buggy for their compulsory child.

Skangers usually have a strict dress code of Nike, Reebok or Adidas shellsuits and trainers and a Burberry cap titled at a particular angle. This is true of both male and female skangers. Additional uniform items include a 'smoke' (cigarette) probably scabbed from some poor sod they've just accosted; bling of various types but mostly a gold neck chain (male) and Elizabeth Duke Pat Butcher-style earrings (female)

Other recognisable traits include a loud over-exaggerated accent, practiced at great length to increase their 'hardness' within the pack; and a tendency to say 'knawmean' every 2.8 seconds around other words such as 'staaary', 'bud' and 'ye fuggin wankohhh'; aggressive body posture mimicking primate behaviour especially when spoken to by any member of the public about anything.

Older skangers can be recognised by their mugshots/picture in the court reporting section of any newspaper and also by their ridiculously souped-up cars...see also 'boy racers'.

"Heyohhh meestohhh...gis a fuggin smohke"

(Excuse me sir, may I please trouble you for a cigarette?)

Typical example of a skanger initiating a conversation/fight

See boy racer, chav, scumbag, spide, bastard


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