What is Skar?
Street version of
"Skar bro! Haven't seen ya
for time !"
"See ya later, Mahabhaktijii! Skar!".
The result of improper oral given to one "Watchdogg"
Action: To bite while cheating on husband
* Lisa is taken Watchy to dinner one night
<Lisa> roflmao *cough* scar
1.to kill someone with the use of an explosive
1. AHH! My leg. bro you were just skarred.
when a goth decides to drop his/her/its label, they become a skar. it makes sense too, if you think about it.. when goths cut themselves, they get left with scars, and in one way or another, after they end there craze with being a goth, they are kinda scarred for life.. and they OBVIOUSLY thought it was cool to replace the 'c' in scar with 'k', making them the oh-so kewl Skars.
'I was once a goth, but now a kewl skar.'