
What is Skattie?


A girl who is not skinny, and not fat. She appears to be skinny with clothes on but with clothes off she's a bit of a fattie {skinny and fattie = skattie]

Man, that girl I took home last night looked skinny at the bar, but when she took her clothes off at my house she ended up being a Skattie!

See skinny, fattie, fatty, fat, skiny


A girl that uses careful calculated clothing choices, dark lighting and other slight of hand to appear thin when out in public.

Nicole looked so good when we were out chillin in the club. She always dressed so hot, we all thought she had a great little body. Then came the day at the pool. There was no hiding in that 2 piece. She turned out to be a total skattie!

See fat, fattie, skattie, thin, skinny, chunky, geeksta


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