Skatty Mofo

What is Skatty Mofo?


this is a really skatty person who is also a mother fucker!! someone who does skatty things, talks skatty, looks skatty etc!! someone who you lke but you really shouldnt so you call them just one skatty mofo bcos its a light insult =] they also will have a skatty mofo friend wh they do skatty thins with aswell!! like......foot massaging someone who hates feet :s haha

someone who says stuff like: safe my best bizzle e.g. paige!

someone who looks like paige =]

kurt butler!! he is a skatty mofo

and he has a best bizzle skatty mofo, paige =]

they are soo skatty they gave each other skatty nicknames....

Kurt: K book

Paige: P Butt

ow freaking skatty are those mofos!!

See skat, skatty, mofo, motherfucker, sket, mo, fo, skatty mofo


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