What is Skeeb?
noun: Every female from
Verb: Skeebin- the process of hunting down skeebs wherever you may be for as long as it may take.
noun use: "Lets go out to the club and get some skeebs for tonight."
verb use: "Grab a condom and a laso, its time to go skeebin."
dried up cum in a man’s gotee
After he came there was Skeeb all up in his gotee.
Noun: A very large Bosnian man, owner of the Spawn of Skeeb, the mythical legend and New England gangster.
Verb: Another term for the little john expression of relesing male sperm into the face of another person or a wall.
Noun use: Damn ese, Skeeb almost kicked my ass when I made fun of him for clogging the toilet
Verb use: I'm gunna skeeb on your face