What is Skeeters?
The undefeated dodgeball champions two years and three tournaments in a row. No amount of balls to the face or broken bones can stop this undefeatable team. It took the school board three tournaments to realize the word "Skeet" (which they repeatedly said over the announcements) means to cum in the face, and upon finding out, forced the Skeeters to change their name the next tourney. It is rumored that they will call themselves "the Sea men" the following year.
"yo man those skeeters skeeted on everybody at the dodgeball tourney"
"yea i fucking told you they would, they alsways do"
Two very small breasts...so small they resemble mosquito bites. Spraying a little 'Off' bug spray on them may make them disappear comopletely.
Bess has little skeeters!