Skippy Johnson

What is Skippy Johnson?


When you rip out a girl's molars with a pair of pliers, then give her an orgasm by sticking a cow's heart up her ass.

Even though she was only on her 3rd date with Derek, Kelly knew by the needle nose pliers and miscellaneous cow parts strewn across his apartment that she was in for a Skippy Johnson as soon as she finished her Long Island Iced Tea.

See ass, molar, skippy, johnson, blood


When you rip out a girl's molars with a pair of pliers, then give her an orgasm by sticking a cow's heart up her ass.

Even though she was only on her 3rd date with Derek, Kelly knew by the needle nose pliers and miscellaneous cow parts strewn across his apartment that she was in for a Skippy Johnson as soon as she finished her Long Island Iced Tea.

See skippy, johnson, heart, cow, pliers


The act of inserting a cow's heart into a person's anal canal, after which point the recipient must achieve orgasm within 10 seconds, otherwise the inserter must rip the recipient's molars out with pliers.

Thinking ahead, Stephen grabbed the needle-nosed pliers from his father's tool shed on the way to the pasture, where he gave his girlfriend ellen a rather memorable Skippy Johnson.

A cow's heart in one hand, needle-nosed pliers in the other, Derek questioned whether tonight was the right night to give Shari her first Skippy Johnson, and whether she would make the 10-second cut.

See sex, ass, anal, heart, cow, orgasm, cum, butt


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