
What is Skomp?


Used interchangeably with other slang expressions for marijuana.

Yo sick-cunt Mike, hit me with some skomp.

See pot, hash, marijuana, cannabis, mary jane, weed, grass


Used interchangeably with other slang expressions for the word marijuana.

Yo sick-cunt mike, hit me with some skomp.

See pot, weed, hash, grass, maryjane, mary jane, boom, chronic, dope, ganja, herb, kif, reefer, sinsemilla, drug


To crush up adderol XR and ingest it through the mouth or nose.

Dude i need to stay up late to study, can you get me some skomp?

I have a test to take next hour and im going to skmop to do well

See adderol, parachute


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