
What is Skonka?


skonka is a spanglish slang for a scandalous bitch/female that sleeps around ALOT and sees nothin wrong with it..or just another word for a girl...

fuck that skonka!

that bitch chole is a fuckin skonka

damn that skonkas fine!

I fucked the shit out of that skonka!

See skonca


chick, girla word used to define a bitch girl

those skonkas look pretty fine

See deacon


male bitch

dabe is a skonka.

See skonka, dabe, crap, tiny, baby, blee


A word used to define stupid people that a act like bitches and don't leave you the fuck alone.

" Hey, you know that fool Angel ? "

" Yeahh..he is such a damn SKONKA..."


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