
What is Skoob?


Noun; an impatient and irritable person, usually also someone with a short temper

"Yo man, ima call you later"

"Goddammit call me now!!!"

"STFU ya damn skoob!"

See skoob, scoob, scub, skub, boob


Used to describe the maximum distance a particular male can ejaculate (see exmaple 1)


A word used in place of jizz or spunk in slightly more formal contexts where disgretion is advisable or speakers are discussing jizz in a context where distance is particularly important (see example 2)

1: I managed 2.34 metres last night but your skoob or 2.67 metres is still top

2: Whats your furthest skoob Proffesor trish?

See jizz, spunk, cum, jugs, tits, bellend


it is usually someone between frooband noob and acts like a noob

Person1:omfg wat am newb, i lost my armor

Person2:wow..... wat a sad newb

Me: you two are both skoobs'

See noob, froob, scoob, pure, loser


it is usually someone between frooband noob and acts like a noob

Person1:omfg wat happend? I lost my armor

Person2:wow..... wat a sad newb

Me: you two are both skoobs'

See noob, froob, scoob, pure, loser


skoob is cross between someone who is a noob and a skater.

person 1:omgz! god that skater is a noob

person 2:yup hes a real SKOOB rofl!!!

See noob, skater, newbie, newb, nub


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