
What is Skoochy?


Dried up semen on someones face.

Hey look at your ex she has some skoochy on her mouth.

See semen, cum, jizz, man juice, skeet


Skoochy is simply another word for Horny.

At times when you want express to someone your situation but dont want others to know what your saying just say skoochy.

Im skoochy likea bitch!!

Omg im so skoochy right now its dripin down my leg...

Im skoochy enough to stab this thing through my pants!!

See horny, randy, hard, wet, peej


Skoochy is simply another word for Horny.

At times when you want express to someone your situation but dont want others to know what your saying just say skoochy.

Im skoochy likea bitch!!

Omg im so skoochy right now its dripin down my leg...

Im skoochy enough to stab this thing through my pants!!

See horny, randy, hard, wet, peej


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