
What is Skoodle?


(v) The act of kissing another with vacuum suction; to inhale the fuck out of another's tonsils

"I didn't just kiss her, I skoodled the fuck out of her face."

See snog, snogging, tonsil hockey


1. When a dog drags it's butt on the floor in attempt to itch it.

2. A small, cute baby.

1. Hey Jay, you gotta get your dog outta my house, it's skoodling all over my house!

2. Aww, I love my skoodle.

See butt, ass, dog, baby, cute


a word that has no definition and can be used as anything

Skoodle to you!

how skoodle of you

if you skoodle one more time

See leaving, hello, good job, goof, random


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