
What is Skoog?


one fly mack daddy

whoa that guy is on skoog alright


a black, musical pimp of sorts

man that fellow beez a skoog, dawg!


synonym to the word PIMP

dude thats so skoog

dude im your sucha skoog


synonym to the word skeet, can be extended to mean ejaculate in certain situations

So I chose a spot on her eye and just skoog, skoog, skooged.

I skoog just looking at the chick.

See skeet, bust, splode, nut, pump


To stick a twig in someone's afro.

(Sticks a twig in his afro)


"Hey, man! Don't scoog mah do!"


Skoog is the derogative term "gook" backwards. It doesn't have anything to do with blacks, or "mac daddies."

I hear they've got some awesome skoog food down town.

See Leslie


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