
What is Skookie?


1.) One who inflicts injury upon oneself.

2.) An act of retardation.

1.) He just skooked and lost all his digits.

2.) You pulled a skook

See Skookie


Skullfire + Cookie = Retardedness, wait... no skookie

Skookie is afraid of chipmunks


A drink mix;

Skeet + Dookie = Skookie

Also used as a salad dressing, to make skook salad

"I'd like a tall glass of Skookie, extra pulp!"

See skookie, skeet, dookie, drink, skook, salad


The young offspring of a very rare, native New Zealand bird, commonly referred to as a "skooken",. Skookens are very elegant, pretty birds with large white tail feathers. Skookens are capable of flight, but generally do not fly as much as other birds due to the weight of their tail feathers, which prevents them from remaining airborn for long periods of time. Skookens are nonetheless very happy birds, however, and are revered and admired by tourists from around the world who are lucky enough to catch a glimpse of them in their remote habitat. Skookens prefer to eat worms and small fish, as they live near the ocean. They spend their time playing in the water, laying out in the sun, playing with one another, and eating.

Skookens are a protected species of bird and cannot be hunted or trapped.

Somewhat similar to an albatross, but prettier and smarter.


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