
What is Skoozer?


1. Noun: a person who behaves more drunk than he or she actually is, usually after having only one drink as an excuse to act up.

2. Noun: a drink made with equal parts orange juice, gin, vodka and white rum. Any clear alcohol can be added or substituted to "taste." Drinking a Skoozer often leads to behaving like a skoozer.

Behaving like a real jerk, Joe claimed to be drunk; we knew he was just being a skoozer.


Noun: an individual who acts more drunk than he or she actually is. Especially when using alcohol as an excuse to garner attention or act stupid.

Joe was being a real jerk after just one beer. He claimed to be real drunk but we knew he was being a skoozer.


Someone sickening, ugly, awful, annoying, or anything derogitory. Can be used in any situation. Variations: Skooze, Skoozey, Skooze Bag

That guy is such a skooze! Ugh! How could he date a skoozer like HER?!

Hey Skoozey, what's up?!

-Who is that?



-Oh... shes a skoozer. She dated 13 guys in the past month.

See skooze, skanky, loser, goose


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