
What is Skos?


Acronym for "some kind of Spanish." Pronounced "skahz."

Adjective used to describe hot looking, olive complected women with flashing dark eyes and voluptuous figures who might also be totally Italian.


Peterotica, a collection of adult novels written by Peter Griffin, protagonist of the American television show "Family Guy."

Excerpt from Peterotica: I'm Betty White reading "The Hot Chick Who Was Italian or Maybe Some Kind of Spanish" by Peter Griffin. Chapter one, Oh god, you should have seen this one hot chick. She was totally Italian...or maybe some kind of Spanish.

Steve1: Did you see that woman checking me out?

Steve2: Yeah man, she was totally hot.

Steve1: I think she's Italian...or...maybe...

Steve2: SKOS!

Steve1: Yeah, skos! Totally SKOS!!!

See spanish, hot, latina, babe, italian


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