
What is Skreep?


1. verb: to creep up on someone with the intent to scare, subvert, or betray

2 noun: A foreign spy or agent, usually female

I just Skreeped up on her, she was so spooked.

I think that girl is a Skreep, she's giving me some really odd looks

See creep, spy, spooky, screep, spagett


When a'caning a bitch, proceed 'accidentally' slip your shaft thusly into ones anus. A phallic shift.

"Maaannnnnn, last night was so fucking funny, taking Janice from behind... I JUST HAD TO SKREEP HER!"

"Did she twitch like a crackhead?"

"Most definitely"

See skreep, cock, ass, vagina, anus


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