
What is Skrelnick?


Word used by the character Olaf (Silent Bob's Russian cousin) in Clerks, supposed to be Russian, but really just a made-up word by Kevin Smith who was trying to think of a word that sounded Russian. Also spelled "skrelnik" at times.

Jay: Olaf, girl nice?

Olaf (looks Jay's Lady Friend over): Skrelnick!

Jay: That's fucked up, man.

Jay's Lady Friend: What did he say?

Jay: I don't know, man, but this guy's a character.

See clerks, jay, silent bob, olaf


Fucked up russian nonsense

Olaf, girl nice?

Olaf: Skrelnick.

Jay: That's fucked up, man.

Veronica: What did he say?

Jay: I don't know man, but this guy is a character

See olaf, clerks, jay, silent bob


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