
What is Skulled?


adj. -intoxicated with alchoal which impairs the physical and mental faculties of a person.

dude...ur brother was so skulled last night from all tha booze


gettin fucked out of yur skull, smokin weed or gettin yur drank on its all good.

2 blunts of that purp and a 26 of grey goose and im SKULLED

See d-block, blazin


1. A high level raiding guild on World of Warcraft server Gurubashi.

Zoaron invites you to join Skulled.

See wow, molten core, zg, gurubashi, leetsauce


to literally fuck a hoes face! or to describe somebody whos gutterd.

a)"oh dude somebody smashed ur car up! proper Skulled(gutterd)!" b) get a hoe on her knees, get ur piece out put ur thumbs in eyes, fingers in ears and rag her "skull" back and forth

See gutterd, wounded, skull fucked, head fucked


someone who is being made fun of or is caping on someone

1."bitch look like a hoe" man "oo! you just got sulled" other man.

2. Blood you just skulled him.


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