
What is Skullfucker?


Skullfucker (S'ck~uhll.fuh'ckurr) adj. Skullfuckery, verb. Skullfuck m/f Skullfucker:

A 'skullfucker' is someone who fucks you in the skull. Either in the eye socket, or mouth, or anywhere else where the penis can penetrate the skull, such as a hole smashed in the back of the skull with a hammer so you can feel the brains on your cock and shoot semen directly onto the area that gives people horrifying nightmares of dicks entering their skulls and shooting semen into their brains to impregnate them with the children of the master race of skullfuckers.

Suzy's a slut, she'll give you skull for weed.

Ashley skulled me all night till I busted in her throat.

Ethel has a glass eye so I skullfucked her socket and lubed it up with my semen for her glass eye. HAHAHAHAHAHA!


it means what it suggests. fucking someone in the face with no respect to the recipitant.

e.g. instead of a girl sucking your cock, you fuck her mouth until she crys or vomits. (eithers good)


1) Literally, one who fucks skulls.

2) In more recent usage, lame ass trendsters who have hopped on the latest trend of wearing clothing with skull and skeleton motifs. They range from the 98 pound emo dude who sits behind you in math class, to "hip-pop" superstars like Diddy and Souja Boy. What they all have in common is un-originality. Skull and skeleton motifs on clothing were originally a staple of skater/hardcore/punk circles, and even gangsta rap as evidenced by Ice Cube in his classic 1992 video "Wicked". But then the "Pirates of the Carribbean" movies came out and suddenly "skulls were cool" and everyone and their momma were wearing clothing with skulls and skeletons on them. The truth is they are all part of the sheepherd jumping on a trend and only show how mindless and unoriginal they are. When you see R&B boytoys, hip-poppers, 14 year old girls, scenesters, wannabe pirates, bros, and rebel wannabes, etc. all following the same trend, you know this fad is just about over.

1) Watch out for that skullfucker or you'll wake up missing an eyeball.

2) Billy though he was hip and trendy in his skeleton ribcage hooded sweatshirt, but all he proved was that he was just another mindless skullfucker with no originality.

See skull, skeleton, poseur, fad, trend, pharrell


Skullfucking is just another name for intense oral sex where the "top" takes the lead and actually fucks the mouth until he shoots his load.

These two guys took turns skullfucking me until they both shot huge loads in my mouth and throat.


To skullfuck would be to rip out someones eyeball and fuck that socket man!!!

your gettin skullfucked you cunt!


One who has sex with my brother. Shudder.

Skull got fucked.


Anyone who is currently riding the hobby horse with the cute blue guy from PVP.

Anyone who DESIRES to ride the hobby horse with said cute blue guy.

Man that Robbie is such a Skullfucker.

See Kix


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