Skunk Pussy

What is Skunk Pussy?


any low life infestation ( gutter rats )


The stinkiest fucking bitches crackyou ever were unfortunate enough to encounter after having had too much alcohol.

I threw up on her hairy tits after she pulled her knickers down and I caught a wiff of her skunk pussy.


a derogative term for a woman who has no standards whatsoever when it comes to "bedtime activities" these types of women also lack any kind of morales, and think they were put on earth to solely satisfy their heightened sexual needs.

Look at Jane over there, she has had 4 different men this week, what a skunk pussy.

See taxi driver, slag, hussey, tart


the kind of situation that you find yourself in when you are going down on a fat retarded woman who has not walked or washed since the first nasa exploration

last weekend.


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