Skunk Stripe

What is Skunk Stripe?


When your first gray hairs are in a small patch right on the front of your head. Usually located more to one side or the other. If you have long hair, especially darker hair, it resembles the stripe down a skunk's tail.

Cassie decided to dye her skunk stripe hot pink to say the hell with getting older!


When you get a tan or a burn on your back, and down the middle of your back there is no tan/burn visible.

Meghan got burnt on her back today but because of the suit she was wearing she has a skunk stripe

See white, tan, burn, skunk, stripe


a streak of poop residue down the center of a toilet bowl left by a careless flush walkerthat looks like a (insert poop color) stripe

I was about to take a piss, when I look down and see a damn skunk stripe.


When you blow your load and leave a line of jizz in someone's hair.

She dipped her head as I blew my load and I gave her a skunk stripe.

See stripe, hair gel, money shot


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