
What is Skype?


Technology that may re-introduce the concept of hands-free conversation to a whole new generation.

Like all new technologies, it has the potential for evil as well as for good.

"Charging for phone calls is so last century." (Niklas Zennström)

"Yes, I've downloaded now we'll be able to chat away for as long as we like!" (Your mother)


Skype is free Internet telephony

that just works.

Skype is for calling other people on their computers or phones.

Friend: Damn! My phone bills are getting bigger and bigger =/

You: Hey! DL Skype and call via internet! ;)

Friend: Sounds Great :D

You: Yeah, and we can use it as teamspeak too! =)


An excellent program that allows you to have voice chats with your friends for free.

One small flaw,that it turns any and every number written down on the internet into that small grey call bar. And that's pretty annoying if you have to click a link with a string of numbers in it.

I called my friend using Skype.

See skype, chat, talking, program, call


To use the software Skype--or a similar, competing program--to call someone, much in the manner that to IM is to use a chat program to have a text-based conversation.

I skyped her last night and we spoke for hours.

See call, im, chat, phone, talk


An internet form of a telephone, which is cool in theory. But it is actually filled with men who speak horrible English and ask for naked pictures and want to have phone sex.

"Aloe eez yoo an lesbain? yoo eez on they skype!"

"No, I'm not a lesbian. Please stop calling me, there are children in the room."

See arabic, chuku


the antichrist!

skype is another evil company like google. everybody uses it, everybody likes it, everybody gets observed. if you have skype on your computer, it's not your computer anymore but skypes computer. they can see what you write in your chats and they can hear what you say in your calls. they know where you live, the know who you are, they know your interests and if they wanted to fuck you up, they could do it easily.

BUT, skype is also a very handy programm and as long as you dont try shit like h4x1ng the pentagon nothing will happen to you.

normal guy: yesterday i downloaded skype and called my sister in europe for free. skype sure is handy.

slightly schizophrenic guy: oh god... another one lost

See skype, google, evil, haxor, h4x0r, h4x, pentagon


to be skipped out on money that is rightfully yours

The merchant skyped me out of my change.

See money, skipped, bamboozled


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