
What is Slack?


For a SubGenius, Slack can be anything you get or enjoy out of life that you don't have to work for or pay for , an approach where one stops trying to make things happen or exert control, and instead simply "allows" or "lets" favorable events to occur. Everyone is born with Original Slack, an ideosyncratic harmony with the flow of life which the unwitting Conspiracy of Normality is unceasingly trying to trick us into giving up, often as a Con-job in exchange for False Slack (anything you're sold or conned into that you have to work for or pay for, or the obligation of working or paying for it).

I just had a the most Slack-filled (week/day/hour) -- everything just fell into place and "accidentally" went my way, and I didn't have to lift a finger or pay even one red cent to make it happen that way. Hell, I even found a $20 bill, so I'm money ahead! Talk about SLACK...


Only used in Birmingham and Solihull area. Slack is when something is harsh. It can be used in many different ways.

Ben - "check out that boy, he's fat"

Ben's friend - "Slack man" or "That was slack"


1. A mentally and physically stimulating experience, resembling tight rope walking, that involves the utilization 1-2 inch wide nylon banding, that of which one person walks upon and among many other various exciting manuevers. Rigged between trees, cliffs, hitches, etc. It=Fun.

2. Taking it easy.

3. Skin.

4. Excess.

1. Rig that slack shit tight. Attack slack to acheive your inner ballast. I become rigamortis on and off to help my slack when I am slack lining/roping. We can always sobriety slack, that gets the patrol off our backs.

2. Nope, can't, gotta slack, sorry.

3. Hand gesture. Two party consented hand contact.

4. (Climbing) Easy on the balls, slack!

See hang loose, skin, slacking, rope, rock climbing


to goof off, to waste time, to waste your whole life

I dropped out of college, gonna just slack for a year or 2.


Has nothing to do with "slackers" or college or hip indie movies of the nineties. Is the secret ingredient of the Universal Solvent, the Holy Grail, the true goal of all mystic beings.

"Verily I say unto thee that unto thee who haveth Slack more Slack shall be given, but whoever so should lack Slack shall lose even that." - J.R. "Bob" Dobbs


absence of rules . . . wholly grail for a Subgenius

"Cut me some slack . . . Jack"

See rules, freedom, subgenius, dogma, lipstick


The absence of rules. Especially dogmatic or stupid rules that constrict freedom in modern humans. Slack in it's purest form is freedom.

Give me some slack . . . Jack!

See freedom, unruly


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