
What is Slackoisie?


Prounounced "Slack-wah-zee". This is a term coined by Scott H. Greenfield, Esq., author of the "simplejustice" blog, which refers to a class of young attorneys (usually millenials) who believe that having a job is an entitlement, rather than a privilege.

This term could be used to describe any graduate from an institution of higher learning who is more interested in having a place to go in the morning and some spending money, rather than committing themselves to a profession or career.

(1) Attorney 1, "OMG, like I got a job at (insert name of any law firm) and they expect me to work like a hundred hours a week. I did not go to (insert name of law school) to work all the time."

Attorney 2, "Stop being such a slackoisie, and appreciate the opportunity you have! There are tons of people graduating law school who would love to have a job doing (insert type of law practiced at Attorney 1's law firm)."

(2) Anyone who posts on "JD Jive" or "JD Underground";


(3) Those attorneys doing document review work who want to make money, but do not want to work the long hours at low pay found at most small firms. Having a job and making money are more important to a slackoisie than serving clients interests or professional development.

See slacker, attorney, bourgeois, proletariat, entrepreneur


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