
What is Slatina?


Slatina is a region in orth-west of the Balkan area. It is famous of its location and economic status, and ofcourse of its importance to the country's all over the world.


- The proof of first humans on Earth have been found on Slatinas soil, a skeleton abot 3 million years old - today known as Homo Slatines.

- The Great Romans (Cesar) once used to say when it conquered Slatina: "Veni,vidi,amare" -"i came,I saw,I fallen in love". The Historicanas are not sure is that sentece associated to Slatina itslef,as a city,or to the beautiful ladies Cesar found there.

- In the time of the Cold war Slatina has with its 20 000 inhabitants / 2 000 soliders has made "hell on earht" on the east-front. They defended them successfully against 1 million italian soliders. Quite impressive.

- In 1990 Slatina has become a part of Bosnia-Herzegowina, a the status of a city in 1981.

Despite all those years of development in Slatina, there were 2 fractions,2 families: Abdagic (diplomats and aristocrates) & Hadzalic , who were at war the most time.

The official Slatina(1981.),just as the Slatina Empire (1952.) were founded by one man from the Abdagic family; his name is not known,but the inicials are A.A. Some scientists think that that man is Aristotel Abdgagic,the greek philosoph...some other think that man is "Ady"(or in french "Ardo") Abdagic ,the local legend,the dragon killer,the knight who free'ed Slatina from slavery in the dark-middle age.


Today Slatina has a very developed economic status and a profit of 400 000 000$ BDP every year.

Very famous are Slatinas hills and sarroundings. The biggest villiges in Slatina are Semanici(famous for its artificial lake) and Cizmici(famous for its winter-sport atractions - "lingespir" and the "staze za skijanje").

Their preri's (savane) are known as NJIVE, and a valueble resurce of their farmers.

One river passes through Slatina (the biggest in the region): Cajin potok.

The president/mayor of Slatina is Muradif-Bedin ,and his consualtat Dzafer.Slatina has a double leadership system between Muradif and Bedin.

Slatina has countless institutions (2 primar schools:BRONX and CAZIN 2, then 4 Universities, 10 militarie facilities,Slatina World Trade Centar -SWTC...etc)

One of the most famous is the Ady TeKe Abdagic University - where people from all over the world come to see and learn about management,politics and other stuff that is important but no body thinks about;P...etc)

Religion: Islam, Budisam, Taismus and Pupanizam.

Population(year 04/05): 400 000

- more info coming soon -

CopyRight TaKe_dOwN

He is from Slatina = He lives very wealthy = He is happy

See abdagic, adi, ady, cazin


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