
What is Sleepywood?


1) On the online game Maple Story, it is a town in the center of Victoria Island, the island that you land on directly after leaving Maple Island. A strong monster called a "Jr. Balrog" is waiting all the way in the heart of Sleepywood.

2) A slang term for the medical disorder commonly referred to as "erectile dysfunction." Put simply, a man who can't get it up has sleepywood.


Pro: I killed seventeen Jr. Balrogs in the past two days here at Sleepywood.

Noob: Screen shot or it never happened!


Mike: Man, Julie won't sleep with me anymore.

Leo: Why not?

Mike: Ever since I got that enema at the proctologist's office I've had sleepywood.

Leo: Enema? Sounds fun!

See erection, pro, noob


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