
What is Sleet?


<noun> Colloquial;

Precipitation containing rain and snow.

--> Which means the ground will get wet and the snow won't stick. So it's just crap basically. You probably don't get it in America.

WEATHERMAN: "It's gonna sleet so take some snow boots and an umbrella with you to work."


A woman who dresses like a slut during winter.

How is that sleet not freezing? She's only wearing a miniskirt and Ugg boots!

See slut, winter, ugg, miniskirt, ho


Plural form of the word slut. Many-a-slut's to be seen.

Look, bra, it's a slaggle of sluts.

Yeah, that's a whole bunch of sleets.

See whore, geese, sex, jeremiah


Plural form of slut.

Mitch: I've never seen so many bitches going the same direction man.

Justin: It's winter bro. The sleet are headed south.


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