
What is Slew?


Similar to merk, to cut someone down in their prime through the use of either lyrical prowess or a glock

Blud i swear down i will slew you

You will get bun and slew


a slut; sexually immoral or dirty woman.

Look at Paris Hilton, that stupid slew.


downtown Cedar Rapids Iowa

man you aint down with the slew?

See slew, cedar, rapids, factory, koan, skateboarding


a jewish slut.

slut + jew = slew

You messed around with George?? He's such a slew; i heard he had sex with someone else yesterday.

fuck you slew!

See george, jew, slut, whore


To prematurely ejaculate in your pants, and then have your penis stick to your boxers, which in turn has painful consequences.

Dude, i just slewed when i saw gonzo's mother.-Sam

See slew, ejaculate, dinosaurs, soup, guitars


meaning a group of 7 or more people in a group

There was a slew of people at his house.


Anything that comes out of any hole in the body.

Blow your nose, you have slew coming out of it.


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