
What is Slickness?


1. To possess the ability to seduce women, often many at a time.

2. Being able to service many women in a short time period, but not get caught.

3. Being seemingly patience to the outsider, while girls want to slob on your knob that very moment.

Nerd: How do you sleep with three different girls on the weekend, and still have a girlfriend.

Mr. Slick: The slickness my friend, it's an artform.

Nerd: How do I become slick?

Mr. Slick: You can't, you can only read about it.


A shitty ass form of how to do calculus.

Female Student: How did you intigrate that problem?

Mr. Hersha: Using the hand wave and the various slickness problem solving tatics that I use when I don't know how to do the problem and copy the answer out of the book. You have nice boobs.

Female Student: Oh, you are a pervert. I hope you get fired.

Student 2: Me too.


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