Slimy Waldo

What is Slimy Waldo?


When a girl gives you a blowjob and you cum in her mouth. She spits the cum out into her hand and then proceeds to give you a handjob with it.

A: damn my girlfriend is a freak!

B: why, what did she do?

A: she starting giving me a bj and then turned it in to a slimy waldo!


See handjob, cum, blowjob, intercourse, sex


A girl/guy gives you a BJ and you blow your load in her/his mouth and on their face and shout "Where is Slimy Waldo hiding?", she/he lathers your dick in the cum and wanks you off while saying "here he is" repeatedly.

Mike: Im almost there!

Nic: Here it comes...

Mike: Where the fuck is Slimy Waldo hiding?

Nic: Here he is!!!

Mike: mmmmmmmmmmmm

See waldo, cum, bj, blow job, hand job


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