
What is Sline?


A vacuous person with no special education, skills, aspirations, or hope of acquiring same, generally construed as belonging to the lowest social class.

I really had no idea what might be found outside the gates when they opened: Mobs of jumped-up slines rushing in with pitchforks or molotovs.

See seattle, ignorance, chav


The action of making a line or trail of slime.

Alt. The trail or line of slime

The snail slowly slined across the floor.


"WOW look at that massive sline left by a snail"

See slime, trail, line, snail, slin, slimy, slimey


the angle at which a penis sits at once errect.

1. i totally have a massive tool, but the sline makes it look smaller.

2. we were about to go at it then i saw the massive sline problem the guy had, it was like 90 degrees! i can't sit on that.

See sex, tool, massive, angle, boobs, rod, junk, package


The womans womanly part quite slippary and giny. Also known as the flop.

I'm going to stick you in your sline.

See sline, giny, flop, vaginy


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