
What is Sloe?


A type of gin infused with Sloe berries


A word meaning hoe slash slut.

That girl looks like such a sloe.


a slut and a hoe... yeah thats right all you slut hoes out there

That Anna girl who keeps hooking up with my ex-boyfriend only when shes high is such a sloe.

See Natalie


A super slutty hoe. A girl who likes to interact with as many genitalia as possible in the least amount of time.

Look at that sloe! She needs to wash her sheets like every night..

See hoe, skank, slut, whore, volz, chickenhead, sluu


The combination of a slut and a hoe. A bopperwho doesn't care who they bop and do it all the time.

Damn Megan is a sloe, she bopped on that dude in the movie theater and then bopped her man.


A term used to describe a girl of less than respectable quality.

(i.e. a SLutty hOE) SLOE

what a sloe that girl is, she been around the block more times than the mailman.


Hoe and Slut mixed.

Look at her, she is such a sloe!

See Emo Kid


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