What is Slow Kids At Play?
Slow Kids At Play is a webcomic loosely based on the life of Bobby Dean and Dustin Beauchamp in Austin, Texas. The two guys along with their unlikely friend Mortimer, a crazy maniac penguin bent on world domination, and Bobby's girlfriend Amanda, a crazy maniac women bent on Bobby domination, regularly save the day from the strange and fantastic things that threated the world. Every Monday and Friday, Bobby and Dustin can be seen fighting the evil government organization S.C.U.B.I.D.U. (Secret Continental Underground Bureau for the Investigation of the Diabolicaly Unnatural) humiliating public icons, and rapeing pop culture.
Written and Maintained by Bobby Dean
All Art and Graphics by Dustin Beauchamp
Slow Kids At Play is copyrighted by Bobby Dean and Dustin Beauchamp - 2006
Any use of the characters or their likenesses must be done so with the express written concent of Bobby Dean and Dustin Beauchamp.
All logos, characters, and images are trademarks of Bobby Dean and Dustin Beauchamp and may only be used with their permission.
Slow Kids At Play - SlowKids