
What is Slube?


Used in place of lube - slube is the naturally occuring lube our body produces straight from the saliva glands. An ample amount is place in the palm of the users hand an applied quickly and generously to get a groove on. ie sex and/or masturbation

Pat used so much slube he came quite easily without any rash or chaffing.

Derrick quickly realized he wasn't going to get any ass because this bitch was tight. He used his slube to get that in and triumphed on bis birthday.

See spit, saliva


No meaning just say it until you notice your friedns sying it.

Hey guys, Joe is such a follower I bet if we start using the word slube whn we talk he will too.


what happens when you mix sweat with lube. not intentionally of course, but when you are gettin some.

or just a general gross look regarding sex.

did you see that guy's myspace pic? he looked like he had slube all over his chest.

then that girl left that guy's room last night, her hair looked all sluby. gross!

See sweat, lube, sweaty, gross, greasy


anthoer name given to a joint or a reef

"gis a toke on that big fat slube"

See weed, reef, joint, dope, marajuana


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