What is Slug Trail?
Slug Trails' appear after an orgasm, and your sheets have clear residue in a trail that looks like a slug has just passed through.
You should wash your sheets more often, that slug trail is all crusty now!
The slimy, viscous fluid left behind after a female has dragged her
"Brian, what the hell is all over your face?" "Oh, that's just my girlfriend's slug trail."
The tracks of a promiscuous biddy left on the floor following a night of drunken copulation. The trail is usually most visible at the beginning (near the bedroom) and dissipates towards the backdoor. The origin of the trail comes from the biddies' vagina; which is so loose, it hangs to the floor.
Tommy: "That girl that Danny had over last night was disgusting!"
Stanley: "Ya, I know. I stepped through her slug trail on the way to the bathroom this morning."
the white pastey substance from a vagina that is absolutly fucking revolting and tends to smell of belly button fuzz and bad slurpie; when whipped on something it tends to leave a trail like that of a garden slug on cement. When combined with
adrian: isabelle your so wet
isabelle : i know
adrian: ahahaha
isabelle: ew! dont wipe that slug trail on my legs!