
What is Sluk?


1. A term derived from both "slime" or "sludge" and "muck", commonly used when a germy, dirty connotation is inferred and other words of lesser intensity just won't cut it. Most often used in conjunction with mud.

2. A goopy mixture consisting of mud mixed with garbage juice, vomit, or other disgusting liquids.

3. Any mud-based semi liquid that is not only extremely dirty, but may pose health or bio-hazards. May also be flammable or reactive.

3. A dirty, filty whore, possibly carrying one or more venereal diseases. Derived from "Slut" and "Yuk".

Two hillbillies were wrastlin' in the rain behind the dumpster, covered head to toe in mud and sluk.

Several pigs lolled about, rolling amongst the mud and sluk.

That was no high priced hooker you just had sex with... it was actually a disgustingly dirty sluk.

See mud, dirt, filth, slime, grime, sludge, muck, slut, whore


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