
What is Slukkake?


It's like bukkakebut with 80% more chance of drowning. Fetishists globally come, no pun intended, to bask in its glory.

<times> is it just me or is a post peanut binge shit really erotic in the way that the half masticated peanuts scratch the inside of your anus and your sphincter as they get shat out?

<BeAsTaH> my cock couldn't be harder right now...

<times> is it throbbing too?

<BeAsTaH> I can't even pinch the head it's so swollen.

* times spills his seed

<times> onan would be proud

* nofear grabs it

* BeAsTaH snorts it like cocaine

<times> true slukkake state achieved!

See bukkake, erotic, peanuts, cum, enlightenment, times


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