Slummom Millionaire

What is Slummom Millionaire?


When a woman has no regard for life and is artificially inseminated producing 6 or more babies at once for fame and wealth.

Paulie: Sup fuckstick did you hear about E?

Bobster: No, what up?.

Paul: You won’t believe it. Well…you know she lost her job 6 months ago. She couldn’t find a job and out of desperation, she totally sold out. Three months ago she flew to Mexico, was artificially inseminated and is now pregnant with a dozen little ones. She did it for fame and money and is completely open about it.

Bobster: Snap! She is the last person I thought would fall into that trap. What a Slummom Millionaire. I thought she would take the stripper route if anything.

See slumdog, mom, stripper, pregnant, snap


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