Slump Buster

What is Slump Buster?


Baseball players believe that by having sex with an unattractive female, they can end their slump. Therfore a slump buster is the unattractive female that they have sex with, in hopes of busting their slump.

Manny Ramirez told Pedro Martinez that the reason why he's been hitting so many homeruns lately, is because he hooked up with a lot of slump busters when he was in a slump.


A large, unatractive, girl, most commonly with low self esteem, incorperated in sex with one that is suffering from a slump. (see slump)

Mitch- "Dude when was the last time you got layed?"

Wess- "Yah it's been a while but don't worry, i got me a slump buster last night so i should be good."


Banging some fat ugly bitch because you CAN. You haven't had any in awhile so a slump buster is what you need to get some confidence back to higher class hizat's. Typically a slump buster is a grenadeor a M.U.F.F.

It was Valentine's Day so Wes' negative game was working somehow, so he picked up a slump buster and then had a successful rest of the year with hizat's.

See Andrea


a slutty girl that baseball players have sex with in order to break a slump.

I went 3 for 3 today thanks to that slump buster last night.

See slut, slump, baseball, sex, girl


A freshman college girl, who starts the year as a cute beer guzzler at the local fraternity party; who then becomes 20 lbs heavier and willing to go home with any guy who needs a piece of ass.

Everybody has the hook up tonight, I need to get the slump buster over here to take care of my business.

See fuck buddy, hard up, knock one out


A female friend that you turn to when you need sum sex 'coz yo' aint been getting much.

Hopefully not, but may often be unnatractive.

"I hadnt had a fuck for ages so I asked my good friend if she'd be my Slump Buster."

"My regular Slump Buster waz outta town, so I had to go a hooker instead."

See Diego


A Fun Guy 2 Bust A Move With But In the Real World Is A Slump.

A guy who still lives at home after High School and his band still plays weekend kegers.


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