
What is Slumpbuster?


When someone is having trouble getting laid, they're in a slump. When you're in a slump, you need an easy score to get your confidence back up and break the slump - a slumpbuster. Often this means lowering your standards, and sleeping with someone you would never otherwise associate with. The term is obviously negative, and can even damage the reputation of someone who uses it; it implies that the "slumpbuster"'s only purpose is to screw someone who's desperate for sex, and also implies that the person invoking the term uses women for sex. Use with caution; it tends to make things worse for everyone involved.

"She was a slumpbuster."


A promiscuous and/or unattractive woman with whom a man would normally have nothing to do - however he sleeps with her anyways because he's in a slump.

Come on man, it was a slumpbuster.


When a professional athlete finds the dirtiest, nastiest, fattest, most disease-ridden skank and puts the wood to her with the intent that it will break up a slump.

A rod picked up a slumbuster at the bar last night.

See Womanizer


The belief, commonly held by baseball players, that by sleeping with an overweight and unattractive women they can break their slump.

A slump being the period of time when a player is not playing their best or is under preforming.

"Dude before today you weren't able to hit yourself out of a paper bag. Whats the deal?"

"Dude I know! Last night I found myself a slumpbuster."

See baseball, slump, buster, slumpbuster, overweight, ugly, butt ugly, fat, gross, sex, sports, fat chick, chick, chica


Any person that ends another person's long spell of sexual inactivity.

*does not apply to virgins

Guy at Party: "Hey man, are you two together"

Guy previously in Slump: "No way dude, she's merely a slumpbuster."

See slump, buster, sex, dry spell, sexual


When you don't get laid for awhile, your in a slump. So you screw a girl that you would not be seen in public with unless you were intoxicated.

Yo Banksta!!! that girl last night was a SlumpBuster!!! I bet she was happy this morning when she seen you!!! LOL

See pig, uglystick, chunkymonkey


A 46oz cocktail that you mix for your cuz, or buddy when he is down and out, in a rut,and pissed at the world.

I was feelin' kind of shitty today so I woke up and drank a slumpbuster and I felt fine.

See cocktail, cocker, dui


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