
What is Slumped?


To get knocked unconcious during involvement in an altercation.

That bamma tried to fight Kelz and got slumped.


Killed. Refers to the position a body takes if shot in a car or a sitting position, as in "slumped over".

"Brandy all f**ked up in the head cuz her babby daddy got slumped"


to be high as hell ..

damn yo slumped rite now my dudes

See 201, nj, slang, hood


A one shot hit to any area of a person that debilitates them for a large amount of time.

When I got robbed they slumped me on the head with a 9mm.

Luckily I took it like a man (cause I was drunk) and their asses ran down the street.

But due to the massive slumping I needed 3 staples in my head, and I bled ALOT!

See beatdown, lumped, survival


The evolution of Screw music....NOT Screwed and Chopped, it's Slumped and Dumped. Triple chops, Cuadrouple chops, fifth chops, echo out, speaker to speaker....Slumped Out!

That Twista song was Slumped and Dumped tight than a b*tch!


1) when you are having intercourse with an opposite sex, and you take your penis out and beat the shit out her face(males only)

2)when you randomly go up to someone and punch them in the nose or mouth causing them to say "what the fuck was that for"

i.e.1 Guy1: When I was fuckin that bitch last night, i slumped the shit outta her

Guy2: Werd

i.e2 Guy:I slumped your mom in and out of bed last night

See slump, hit, dick, werd


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