
What is Slumpkin?


The act of masturbating on the toilet while squeezing out a Cleveland Steamer. AKA, the Self-Blumpkin.

Melvin would often sneak into the bathroom for a quick slumpkin to beat the office dullard.


Sumpkin- The act of a female pleasuring a man's asshole with her tongue while he urinates.

"Dude i asked Angie for slumpkin tonight."

See blumpkin, slumpkin, cleveland steamer, fock, fuck


while taking a large, much needed dump, you decide to jerk off.

what's taking him so long in the bathroom? a slumpkin perhaps.

See blumkin, cunnilumpkin, dump, masterbation


Gettin a blumpkin (head on toilet) while watching Slum Dog Millionare

"Dude, lindsay gave me a slumpkin"

other guy- "shes quite the crack whore"

first guy-"fuck it lets deface the local Mcdonalds by writing wiener on the wall next to a dick

See blumpkin, slum, dog, wiener, bj


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