
What is Slumpy?


A soft turd that slumps when it hits a hard surface and has a low angle of resolution. If landing in water spreads out and floats, needing a courtesy flush. Very smelly.

I'd rather step on a horse apple than in a cow slumpy.

See diarhea, the runs, shits, sloppy joes


Everything and anything so horrifically bad that you could imagine possible to say about or to another girl.

Oh my gulosh, that slumpy just put her hand in my face like she's the shiznat or something!

See slumpo, slut, whore, bitch, wigger


adjective; To describe an undesirable outcome of an event. Also this word can be substituted for words like shit and slut as a more desirable way to swear in front of family members.

D: How did you go in the Sniffy assignment.

K: Lets put it this way, my performance was slumpy.

See shit, slut, swear, substitute, slump


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