Slung Up

What is Slung Up?


The condition of being unprepared for public appearance. "Slung-up" generally connotates the wearing of very casual clothes, a lack of makeup or jewelry, and a hat to hide unkempt hair. Such condition is often noted in individuals after a night of heavy partying.

"You going out Saturday night?"

"Nah, I'm just gonna stay slung-up at the house."

"I think I'm just gonna stay slung-up since I'm going through the drive-thru."


To be dressed up in drag or in clothes opposite to ones gender; The act of getting ready to wear clothes of the oppositie sex.

"Girl, she was SLUNG UP in high whore drag!"

See slung up, drag, gay, tansexual, drag queen, lesbian


The act of throwing on clothes to wear without thought or caring what you look like out in public.

Throwing on sweat gear to go for a drink and being a slung up cuz you don't care what you look like, you just want a drink.


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