
What is Slunt?


1.Half slut, half cunt. 2.A swear refering to a person who is a cunt but is also slutty.

Alicia is a slunt

See Nikki


Used to describe a woman whose behavior is so heinous, the mere use of slut or cuntis inadequate. Covers a variety of horrid behavior, notably that presented by characters in shows like "Desperate Housewives".

Usage varies. Typically, when one learns of a woman who has killed her husband or children, or plans to, one reacts simply by saying "slunt!" If sex is involved, the appelation is upgraded to "that fucking slunt!"


A person who is both a slut and a cunt.

The overachieving slunt in my class decided to fuck the professor and the dean.


1. An incredibly offensive word for a woman which combines the words "cunt" and "slut". Use it on someone if a. they don't know what it is and lack the braincells to work it out or b. you really do feel like getting slapped a few times.

2. An incredibly awful "rock" band that sold records due more because of the talentless lead singer and bassist than any musical talent of any kind.

1. God...Jenny is such a slunt!


a. Hey anyone know what happened to that band Slunt?

Oh yeah, we all don't care after we had the lead singer's breasts thrust into our faces about a thousand times to cover up her lack of talent.

b. Wow, Slunt suck so much they don't even have a Wikipedia entry.

See offensive, cunt, slut, insult


1 n. A derogatory term describing the lowest of females who is both a “slut” and a “cunt.” It can also be used in a playful manner between two friends, typically both male.

2 v. The act of having sex in a rough and awkward fashion.

1. a. I hate Laquesha so much she is a massive slunt.

b. I love you Jeff but you are a HUGE slunt for hooking up with that chick.

2. I was slunting this chick from the back who had her legs tucked behind her head when her mom walked in.

See slut, cunt, slunt, whore, bitch, fuck


My X wife. One that deems both titles Slut and Cunt yet you do not want to waste to many words on her.

My X-wife is a Fucking Slunt.

See paulette, john


A mix between the words cunt and slut. Oftenly used when referring to an ex-girlfriend. It's usually used when a girlfriend cheats on their boyfriend and all his friends call her a slunt. There is no positive way to use this word.

Person 1: "Dude, she totally cheated on me...we're done!"

Person 2: "Wow man, she's such a slunt!"

See cunt, slut, ex-girlfriend, cheats


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