
What is Slunting?


Slunting is the act of Slut hunting

"Hey Jeff, what do you want to do tonight?" "I dunno dawg, lets go slunting"

See slut, slunt, hunt, hunter, hunting


The practice of Slut Hunting.

"I think im going to go slunting tonight and fuck those nasty hoes."

See slunt, slut, hunting, hoes, hunter


1. getting a slunt.

2. finding slutty] cunts to fuck

Dude I'm horny, lets go slunting.

See slut, slutty, cunt, slunt, pussy, fucking


The act of intense depression over a female/ male.

Geeze, Dan, after Kelly broke up with me I really have been slunting.

See depression, upset, anger, hurt, emo


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